Wednesday, February 21, 2018


it is heretical to believe that everyone will be saved because we go against the free will that man has

Jesus Christ is the ONLY solution to the problem of man's sin. He can reconcile you with God and restore your relationship with Him.

"Christ died for our sins ... He was buried ... He grew up on the third day, according to the Scriptures ... He appeared in Peter, then at 12. After that he appeared in more than five hundred ..." (1 Corinthians 15: 3-6).

"Jesus says," I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the father unless he passes by me "

Feelings change, but God's word remains unchanged. That's why, as a Christian, learn to live life with trust in God and His Word.

We love humility, that we may see the glory of God, where humility drives, that the divine glory evokes. Without that, everything is dark. Without the humility, nothing exists in the man, except only darkness.

Man, just like the flesh, like the lighted candle. As the candle is destined to melt, the man died. The soul, however, is immortal, so we have to pay more for the soul than for the body

They apply for the software, they are in effect for the purposes. They begin again, from the womb: and my paradise, and the hell of man.

Everything and every move of a driver drives the soul either into the paradise or before the hell.

Anthony the Great
People asked wrong. It is not reasonable for those who have learned simple words and books of ancient wise men, but those who have the logical soul and can distinguish between good and evil and avoid evil and harm to the soul and the goods and the psychophile, with many thanks to God. This should only be called truly rational people.

If we isolate a human and a chimpanzee for 100 years, and we will follow to see and control both, we will see in the case of man that it has improved in all areas. In case 2 of the monkey - we will see that the monkey is at the same level of consiousness, he does not have this thing given by God As the man has.

The instinct of the simple Orthodox Christian is healthy when he reacts with disgust at the "sophisticated" modern view that man has descended from an ape or any other inferior creature,

In the earth (God) formed his body and with his own breath gave him a reasonable soul and understanding, we finally say that he is the divine image ... The body and the soul were formed at the same time - and the other after they want to say Origen's stripe

Children humiliation of wisdom is: self-determination, no confidence in our mind's mind, hatred of our own will. For through them man can meet and return to his physical condition, purifying himself through the saints of Christ

Only God
We know that people can not create anything out of nothing. we can build things, invent things, assemble things, make them functional, but - with all our wisdom - they will never reach zero

Fallen angels are the ultimate power to create pyramids, given the knowledge - coming from them even nowadays, in all the fields you see death and destruction. The demonic being have no trouble manifesting a UFO or whatever another

The tongue is the direct communication with Satan ... PEOPLE DO NOT REMOVE WHAT THE SAY tries to TELL US .. NO THE GOD WILL WANT their people to speak to Him in a language unknown to them, WHO WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF ALL?

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